
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RnY)

Weight Loss Band
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RnY) is actually a far more complicated operation, to supply far more steady and productive body fat loss.

Weight Loss Band
The little top bag is totally divided on the distal belly which can be still left in place. A “Y” shaped segment of little bowel is connected on the bag having a narrow opening. This bypasses the mixing of foods and digestive juices from the distal belly leading to poorer absorption of calories from fat and nutrients.

Weight Loss Band
This the two restricts foods ingestion and interferes with absorption leading to far more steady body fat loss, but includes a greater danger of problems or side effects. It doesn't interfere with getting liquids. 80% of sufferers shed a minimal of one half their extra body fat with the RnY procedure. This procedure tend to be accomplished open up or laparoscopic.

Weight Loss Band
The laparoscopic RnY averages a 2-3 morning hospitalization having a come back to total action in 2-3 weeks. A fluid and soft diet plan higher in necessary protein is recommended for six weeks right after surgery, after which the individual is put over a sound diet.

Weight Loss Band
The open up RnY averages a 3-4 morning hospitalization having a come back to total action in 3-4 weeks. The open up edition is safer compared to laparoscopic edition plus the achievement price and diet plan would be the same.


Morbid obesity is a complex

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Morbid obesity is a complex, medical disease, which affects possibly as many as 30 million people in the United States. It is not a moral problem due to a lack of will power. Studies have shown that diets, medications, behavioral modification or exercise programs have a 95% failure rate in this population, due to underlying physiologic, chemical and genetic factors.

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Morbidly obese patients have a very high risk of associated health problems and early death; therefore the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has endorsed two procedures as effective in the treatment of obesity: Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RnY). Either of these operations, depending on the circumstances, can be accomplished by an open technique. However, since the endorsement, the Adjustable Lap-Band (ALB) has replaced the Vertical Banded Gastroplasty in most Bariatric Surgeons’ opinions. They both work on the same principle, and that is they are both restrictive only.

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Surgery is an aid to dieting and assists individuals alter their eating habits by restricting food intake or limiting absorption of ingested food or both.

Weight Loss band
So, Dr. Hall offers the following surgical procedures: the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RnY) and the Adjustable Lap-Band (ALB) for weight loss. These procedures assist a patient in reducing food and caloric intake, and in addition, the RnY decreases food absorption. Each procedure is associated with medical risks and varies in the anticipated chance of success in losing weight.

Some facts to support your desire to have surgery

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 Health care for the ten to twenty million morbidly obese adults in America has been hampered by the misconception that body weight is not a physiologically regulated variable, but rather determined by acquired food habits and conscious and unconscious desires. Obesity represents a management challenge for physicians and a psychological and biological challenge for patients. Lack of respect for the morbidly obese is an issue of concern. A survey of morbidly obese individuals found that nearly eighty percent reported being treated disrespectfully by the medical profession.

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There are widespread negative attitudes that the morbidly obese adult is weak-willed, ugly, awkward, self-indulgent and immoral. This intense prejudice cuts across age, sex, religion, race, and socioeconomic status. Numerous studies have documented the stigmatization of obese persons in most areas of social functioning. This can promote psychological distress and increase the risk of developing a psychological disorder. The morbidly obese patient is at risk for affective, anxiety and substance abuse disorders. The obese often consider their condition as a greater handicap than deafness, dyslexia or blindness.

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There is considerable misinformation concerning the validity of bariatric surgery in the management of morbid obesity. Bariatric surgery is a recognized sub-interest in the field of General Surgery. It has been endorsed by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference, 1992. The American Society for Bariatric Surgery is recognized by the American College of Surgeons and a specialty surgical society in the Specialty & Service Society section of the American Medical Association. It must be emphasized that these procedures are in no way to be considered as cosmetic surgery.

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Surgical treatment is medically necessary because it is the only proven method of achieving long term weight control for the morbidly obese. Surgical treatment is not a cosmetic procedure. Surgical treatment of morbid obesity does not involve the removal of adipose tissue (fat) by suction or excision. Bariatric surgery involves reducing the size of the gastric reservoir, with or without a degree of associated malabsorption. Eating behavior improves dramatically. (1) This reduces caloric intake and ensures that the patient practices behavior modification by eating small amounts slowly, and chews each mouthful well. Success of surgical treatment must begin with realistic goals and progress through the best possible use of well-designed and tested operations. These have been worked out over the last thirty years, and are now standardized, clearly defined procedures, with well-recognized and documented outcome results.

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Prevention of secondary complications of morbid obesity is an important goal of management. Therefore, the option of surgical treatment is a rational one supported by the time honored principle that diseases that harm call for therapeutic intervention that is less harmful than the disease being treated. The biological basis for morbid obesity is unknown, though recent work has demonstrated a genetic component of between 25 and 50%, and several studies confirm the influence of genetically determined proteins produced by the fat cell which have a place in the control of satiety. This confirms that morbid obesity is a disease, not a disorder of willpower, as sometimes implied. The physiologic, biochemical and genetic evidence is overwhelming that clinically morbid obesity is a complex disorder. Contributing causes are inheritance, environmental, cultural, socioeconomic and psychological.

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Patients whose BMI exceeds 30 are potential candidates for surgery if they strongly desire substantial weight loss, because obesity morbidly impairs the quality of their lives. They must clearly and realistically understand how their lives may change after operation. In certain circumstances, less morbidly obese patients (with BMI's between 30 and 35) also may be considered for surgery. Included in this category are patients with high-risk co-morbid conditions such as life threatening cardiopulmonary problems (e.g. morbid sleep apnea, Pickwickian syndrome, obesity-related cardiomyopathy, or morbid diabetes mellitus). Other possible indications for patients with BMI's between 35 and 40 include obesity-induced physical problems that are interfering with lifestyle (e.g. musculoskeletal or neurologic or body size problems precluding or morbidly interfering with employment, family function and walking). Some candidates for surgical treatment of morbid obesity have such impaired health that they must be hospitalized pre-operatively and undergo treatment to improve their operative risk.

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Weight loss usually reaches a maximum between 18 and 24 months postoperatively. Mean percent excess weight loss at five years ranged from 48 to 74 % after gastric bypass and from 50 to 60% after vertical banded gastroplasty. In a study of over 600 patients following gastric bypass, with 96% follow-up, mean percent excess weight loss still exceeds 50% at fourteen years. Another 10 year follow-up series from the University of Virginia reports weight loss of 60% of excess weight at 5 years and in the mid 50's between years 6 and 10. Multiple other authors have reported 5 and 6-year follow-up of their patient series with similar weight loss results.

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Weight reduction surgery has been reported to improve several co-morbid conditions such as glucose intolerance and frank diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea and obesity associated hypoventilation, hypertension, and serum lipid abnormalities. A recent study showed that Type II diabetics treated medically had a mortality rate three times that of a comparable group who underwent gastric bypass surgery. Also preliminary data indicate improved heart function with decreased ventricular wall thickness and decreased chamber size with sustained weight loss. Other benefits observed in some patients after surgical treatment include improved mobility and stamina. Many patients note a better mood, self-esteem, interpersonal effectiveness, and an enhanced quality of life. They have lessened self-consciousness. They are able to explore social and vocational activities formerly inaccessible to them. Self body image disparagement decreases.


Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Weight Loss Surgery
The most logical approach for losing weight is to eat less, eat more sensibly, and exercise more. If you are severely obese, this approach may not be enough to ensure lasting success. Sticking to a diet and exercise plan is difficult. The decision to abandon a diet is commonly made during times of stress or anxiety. Many who lose weight gain it back quickly when the diet ends. The cycle of losing weight and gaining it back is called the yo-yo effect. While temporary weight loss can help, the yo-yo effect can also make it harder to lose weight in the future. This repeated failure of permanent weight loss leads to feelings disappointment and depression.
Weight Loss Surgery
A physician or a dietician can help you change your lifestyle. A program of improved eating habits and exercise are critical factors in any successful weight reduction program. Recent published scientific reports (Annals of Internal Medicine - Jan 2005) document that non-operative methods alone have not been effective in achieving a medically significant long-term weight loss in morbidly obese adults. The average medical weight reduction trial is a 10-12 week study with average weight loss of 2.5 kg. The use of behaviour modification, diet and exercise show that the initial optimistic results have not been sustained. Most commercial weight loss programs (WeightWatchers, Jenny Craig, Dr. Bernstein) suffer from high dropout and failure rates. The cost of these programs contributes to frustration if a person fails to achieve their goals.

Weight Loss Surgery
Dieting often causes depression, anxiety, irritability, weakness and preoccupation with food. The treatment goal of any treatment plan for morbid obesity should be an improvement in health, achieved by a durable weight loss that reduces life threatening risk factors and improves performance of activities of daily living.

Weight Loss SurgeryWill Water Help Me Lose Weight?Will Water Help Me Lose Weight?
No doubt about it; if water is one of the keys for weight loss, we all need to know. Water is basically free and extremely abundant. So, does drinking a certain quantity of water help one lose weight? Yes, in a way... read on...

Water is an irreplaceable part of your diet. Its primary function is to transport nutrients and waste about your body. Almost everything in your body is in a solution of water. The way your body grows, repairs, and functions is to first transport material to and from the places where this material is needed. Water is the medium.

Weight Loss Surgery

Water Makes Weight Loss Possible - Weight loss involves metabolizing the tissues already present in and on your body. If you lose weight successfully, this metabolism will involve the consumption of body fat and the exclusion of skeletal muscle. Metabolizing this body fat involves transport of the fat to cells where it can be used, transport of the fat across cell barriers, breakdown and chemical reaction of the fat, and transport of waste materials out of the body. You need lots of clean water to do all of that.
Weight Loss Surgery
Weight Loss Requires Water - Of course you know that you need to start with clean water to wash and rinse clothes in your washing machine. If you attempt to wash clothes starting with dirty clothes and dirty water, you will not get those clothes too clean. Likewise; you need lots of clean water to keep your body internally clean. Just as an automobile produces exhaust while burning gasoline, your body produces waste while burning fat. Provide your kidneys and liver with ample water to clean your body. That's a half a gallon to a gallon of water daily.

Weight Loss Surgery
Water Does Not Make You Lose Weight - Water makes weight loss possible. For that matter, water makes life on this planet possible. Water is especially important when you are losing weight but it is not chemically involved in your weight loss process. As long as you drink enough water, weight loss will happen smoothly. Drinking lots and lots of water will have no additional benefits to your body.

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