
about weight loss surgery

 Weight Loss Surgery
Dr. Chugay told us he hasn’t seen any of that.
“I did the first procedure last spring, and so far, in the 67 patients – the side effects have been very minimal. There have been no medical issues or big problems. The only thing we’ve seen is a slight irritation of the tongue where we’ve had to remove the patch a week before.”

 Weight Loss Surgery
As a general rule, Chugay said patients keep the patch sutured to their tongue for 30 days, unless they opt to have it removed sooner.

 Weight Loss Surgery
So, what about all that solid research and strong scientific foundations? Well, Chugay said he’s discussed the procedure with several other surgeons across the country.

“Now we’re doing a study. We’re pulling all this data together and it will be published very shortly. It involves nine doctors around the U.S., Mexico and one in Canada,” he said.
Chugay said patients lose an average of 15 to 30 pounds in one month (one woman lost 39 pounds) – which comes as no real surprise, since patients are restricted to a liquid diet that adds up to a mere 750 calories a day.
 Weight Loss Surgery
The amount of calories you should be consuming each day depends on your age, weight, sex, height and level of physical activity. But, to put those 750 calories in perspective a little bit, we checked out the dietary guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and they recommend children between the ages of 2 and 3 consume 1,000 calories per day. Remember, we’re talking about full-grown adults who need to lose weight – not toddlers.

 Weight Loss Surgery
“This is the equivalent of the old jaw wiring that we used to do with the oral surgeons,” Dr. Carson Liu, a California-based bariatric surgeon, told us We would get oral surgeons to wire the mouth almost shut completely, but patients could only drink their calories. The problem with this is that it is a crash diet and unsustainable.”

 Weight Loss Surgery
In order to make sure his patients maintain a healthy lifestyle, Chugay said he and his team follow-up with patients for five to six months, “teaching them to take care of themselves, to eat right, exercise and deal with stresses.”
 Weight Loss Surgery
The liquid beverage – which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats vitamins, minerals and fiber – is manufactured especially for Chugay and will costs patients $200 for a month’s supply.
However, if a person decides to get the patch, that month’s supply is on the house.
Still, after all this, I have serious reservations about this procedure. I can’t help but think, in many ways, it’s irresponsible. I mean, what ever happened to good old fashioned diet and exercise?
But that’s just my opinion. For more insight into this, we reached out to other experts to see what they have to say…

